Release trauma & reclaim your heart’s longing.
It’s time to bring your true voice into the world.
Cultivate originality in the face of silencing and doubt.
Essential Voice Expression (EVE) embraces the resiliency of the human spirit, weaving somatic psychotherapy with creative states of consciousness and improvisational vocal practices. As undercurrents of personal and collective trauma are released, innate aliveness and freedom returns. Bringing creativity and kindness to memory, body, heart, and soul, EVE opens the pathways to your true nature.
Honor your emergent voice.
Yours is a singular voice in this precious world, waiting to join the chorus of life. What is your heart’s longing? What unspoken languages are waiting to be heard? Whether simple or large, this life belongs to you, and requires your embodied presence. Let’s listen to what is waiting to be noticed and celebrated, and open the pathways to your true expression of self.
Psychotherapy? Or Coaching? Contact me to find the right path for you.

Stay Connected: Receive occasional emails with inspiring events, ideas, and even songs.

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